Welcome to
Plymouth Congregational United Church of Christ

Join us for Morning Worship in person or live on Facebook at 9:30 am!

March 30 Worship will be on Zoom only. Click below for the Zoom links.

Zoom Worship

Passcode: 901869

Zoom Coffee Hour

Passcode: 019915

Click here to view Sunday’s bulletin (updated on Fridays)

Click here to watch last Sunday’s Worship (updated on Tuesdays)

The previous week’s worship service will also air at 7:00 pm on PBTV local channel 1302.

Upcoming Events

See what’s happening at Plymouth Congregational United Church of Christ!

Blessing of the Animals

Blessing of the Animals

At Plymouth Congregational United Church of Christ, we believe that faith is a journey that takes unexpected turns as it leads us to a greater awareness of God's love for humanity and the environment.

PCUCC Sanctuary

PCUCC Sanctuary

We are a progressive and inclusive spiritual family. We are an Open and Affirming and Just Peace church.

PCUCC Chapel Consecration

PCUCC Chapel Consecration

Your financial gift and/or pledge allows Plymouth Congregational United Church of Christ to be the oldest and still very active faith community in the heart of town.


 Interested in learning more about Plymouth Congregational United Church of Christ?
Looking to reserve the church for an event? Thinking about a visit?

Reach out!
We look forward to hearing from you.

4 Post Office Square, PO Box 86, Plymouth, NH 03264
(603) 536-2626 | office@uccplymouth.org